Because nobody’s buying my shit. Har har.
Seriously though, the term “Selling Out” has been abused by hipsters and douchebags for so long, using it now flags you as one, like the words “sky wizard” or “crotch spawn” or “sheeple.” Yet while trying to figure out that point where something you like becomes a souless mockery of itself, I found no other term as useful, so let’s unpack its baggage, shall we?
The term Sell Out has been characterized to mean the following:
- “When everybody else jumped on the bandwagon and now I can’t get a good seat anymore. Boohoohoo.”
- “When my favorite band stopped making music I like in favor of literally anything else. Damn them for trying to stretch their creative horizons. I wanted the same old graunchy shit again and again!”
- “When my favorite thing appeared in an advertisement. How dare they use their IP to shill products of any kind. All money is poison!”